Facebook Bans Every User

In Silicon Valley last night, the computer network that monitors and analyzes the traffic across Facebook went into its screen saver. Ten minutes later, it went into sleep mode. This has never happened before… but Facebook has never before put every single user on a…

Coyote Removed From Dictionary After Debate

During the confirmation hearings for the recent Supreme Court Justice nominee, the term “sexual preference” was deemed offensive and flushed down the memory hole by the Ministry of Truth in favor of “sexual orientation.” The latest update to the NewSpeak lexicon has been the removal…

Regulators May Shut Down Govt. & Cancel Elections Due To Violations

(Washington DC) In an unprecedented and shocking news conference, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) spokesperson, Will Cheatham, said that the 2018 elections may need to be cancelled due to numerous fraud violations. “Every year, we get several complaints about fraudulent campaign promises but this year,…