A New Unity And The Leap Forward

A little over a month and a half ago, Joe Biden took the oath of office surrounded by the Capitol’s new Freedom Fence and 20,000 armed National Guard Troops authorized to use deadly force on those that would disrupt the sacred ritual. This brought an…

Facebook Bans Every User

In Silicon Valley last night, the computer network that monitors and analyzes the traffic across Facebook went into its screen saver. Ten minutes later, it went into sleep mode. This has never happened before… but Facebook has never before put every single user on a…

Coyote Removed From Dictionary After Debate

During the confirmation hearings for the recent Supreme Court Justice nominee, the term “sexual preference” was deemed offensive and flushed down the memory hole by the Ministry of Truth in favor of “sexual orientation.” The latest update to the NewSpeak lexicon has been the removal…

Debate Committee Considers Adding Actual Adults In Future Debates

On Tuesday night of this week, the first presidential debate of the 2020 election cycle was aired. Chris Wallace, with some help from former Vice President Joe Biden, took on the sitting President, Donald Trump. The public response ranged from arguing over whether it was…