MPLF 7 Commercial
This is the commercial for the 7th Annual Midwest Peace & Liberty Fest. If you wish to play this on your podcast or radio show, permission is granted. Don’t even ask! And thanks for sharing! If you need a Wav file, email me at…
Regulators May Shut Down Govt. & Cancel Elections Due To Violations
(Washington DC) In an unprecedented and shocking news conference, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) spokesperson, Will Cheatham, said that the 2018 elections may need to be cancelled due to numerous fraud violations. “Every year, we get several complaints about fraudulent campaign promises but this year,…
Guest Appearance on My Fellow Americans
“On this first episode of (((My Fellow Americans))), your host Spike Cohen is joined by Lou Sander of The Lou Sander Show to talk about misconceptions about the history of the foundation of the US government, the religious beliefs inherent in statism and how you…
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